Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Next Big Thing

With all of the doomsday-like gloom chat here, you might think I would be like D.E. Shaw and look for future opportunies in Gurgaon or Mumbai.

But although I contemplated moving to Pune last summer, I am glad I stuck to southern cali where I could become more intimate with the developments in new media and the hedge fund industry.

This guy suggests that Facebook trumps them all with its functionality: Why you can't compare Facebook to Twitter Pownce or Jaiku

But regardless of whether you like these new toys, or
hate the I Phone, the innovative spirit of this country will keep us booming long after the credit markets implode, no matter what the hubbert's peakers have to say to the contrary.

So I will keep my eye out and my brain storming here in the USA for the next YouTube (don't forget it was only created 2 years ago from scratch).

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